Karyn 1
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Karyn Miller

Running Tours Specialist

Born and raised in the south of New Zealand, Karyn has always had a passion for travel.  Leaving home at the age of 18 to live in Brazil, before travelling further afield to the United Kingdom, Karyn pursued a successful career as a corporate travel consultant, working for several large companies, including American Express and Flight Centre.  This allowed Karyn to explore Europe, the UK, Thailand and the USA.  One of her fondest memories from that time was cruising down the Nile on a felucca at sunset!

Nowadays, Karyn is a mum of two, who strives to live a healthy life by spending weekends hiking and rising early each morning to walk 10km with her weighted vest.  In 2023, Karyn completed the 48km Kokoda Hiking Challenge on the Sunshine Coast and hopes to conquer the 96km challenge in 2025.  She enjoys challenging herself to be the best she can be.

After several years working in schools and busy office environments in sunny Queensland, Australia, Karyn is excited to return to a career in travel, whilst combining her passion of fitness, working as a Running Tours Specialist at Travelling Fit.

Enquire now about a fully escorted marathon alongside like-minded experts.
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