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Leeca Cook

Accounts Manager

Leeca joined the Travelling Fit team in May 2007 and arrived with over 20 years’ worth of experience in the travel industry. Her main role in the company is the Accounts Manager and she has also dabbled in a little consulting over the years.

Leeca’s travel industry experience has been gained working predominantly in the accounts and administration areas for some of Australia’s biggest and most successful travel companies, such as Thomas Cook, American Express, Carlson Wagon-Lit, Traveland, Travelworld, Harvey World Travel and Helloworld to name a few.

Leeca has a passion for travel and has travelled extensively. She has visited such countries as Bali, Fiji, Singapore, Thailand, as well as spending time in America, Europe and the UK.
Over the last few years she has thoroughly enjoyed adventuring around Australia when she can and discovering the beauty of our own amazing country.

Leeca loves spending time with her family and friends, is an active member of her local gym and is still enjoying running around the softball diamond herself.

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