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Michael Walton

Technology and Events

Michael has been involved with Travelling Fit since its inception and became a full-time employee in 2009. He didn’t start out in the travel industry though, and didn’t really start running until he was in his 30’s.

After leaving school, Michael went to catering college to learn hotel management, but after leaving found that his love of cooking took him straight to the kitchen. He worked as a chef for nearly 10 years, both in his native England, in France for a year and then, at the age of 25, in Australia where he has been ever since.

A change of career came and saw Michael go back to college to learn how to program computers. 2 years later and a new career took off. During this time Michael met and married Mari-Mar, the founder and owner of Travelling Fit, and he basically started running to show off – Mari-Mar had already run several Marathons at the time.

Michael’s first Marathon was on the Gold Coast in 2001, and he has now run 10 in total, in such varied places as Singapore, Tibet and Phuket, with some domestic and additional international races thrown in for good measure. Most recently Michael completed the 2024 BMW-BERLIN Marathon and he is well on his way to completing all the Abbott World Marathon Majors

Michael’s responsibilities at Travelling Fit include many of the “back-end” processing tasks and making sure that the office technology is always up and running. He is also the race director for the Australian Outback Marathon, and together with Mari-Mar, they have owned and operated this very successful event since 2010.

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